Granite Landing - Downtown/Riverfront Redevelopment
Downtown Campus Property




Development Partners

The Downtown Redevelopment partners are working together to develop concepts and realistic strategies for each site. This collaborative partnership is taking place with mutual respect, shared values, objectives and open communication between all parties. As partners we are working for the economic, social, cultural and environmental vitality of downtown.

Cold Spring

Cold Spring GraniteCold Spring has the unique opportunity to shape the future of the city with the relocation of their Downtown Campus. As the owner of the land, Cold Spring is instrumental in the Downtown Redevelopment Plan and is working with the City of Cold Spring to set the infrastructure in place. Cold Spring cares a great deal about the quality of this development and recognizes it as a permanent reflection on them. They want to develop a successful project, but also create a legacy and a place of lasting value.

The City of Cold Spring

Cold Spring, MNThe City of Cold Spring has been instrumental in the development of Cold Spring Granite’s former Downtown Campus. They are working side-by-side with Cold Spring Granite to achieve the best outcome for the City of Cold Spring, its residents and visitors.

GC Real Estate Partners

Hirschfeld Real EstateGC Real Estate Partners, formerly, Granite City Real Estate, founded in 1994, is a central Minnesota based “FULL SERVICE” real estate and property management company. We are a dynamic real estate firm providing Rock Solid service to our clients.

GC Real Estate Partners offers services in:

  • Commercial Real Estate Brokerage (Sales, Listing, Leasing)
  • Land Development Service
  • Transaction and Project Management
  • Real Estate Investment, Group Sponsorship and Syndication Sales
  • Investment Consulting and Financial Analysis
  • Residential Real Estate Sales (Home, Farm, Acreage, Lots and Lakeshore)
  • Residential Buyer Representation
  • Commercial Property Management (Office, Retail, Industrial)
  • Residential Property Management (Apartments, Condominiums, Associations)

At GC Real Estate Partners our talented and experienced team of real estate professionals will work hard to be a valued partner in all real estate ventures, by listening, responding and executing innovative solutions. Our team of professionals will provide market knowledge, expertise and find you opportunities to create maximum value in your business operations and real estate assets.
Make no mistake, you will not find a harder working team to partner with you to meet and fulfill your real estate needs. Our experience runs deep, commitment to your needs always at the forefront and work ethic unparalleled.

Miller Development Services

Miller Development ServicesAs the project facilitator, Miller Development Ser vices has had an integral part in the Master Planning of the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. We are working with Cold Spring Granite and the City of Cold Spring to identify and develop opportunities for land use, reclamation and remediation. We are providing the strategy to market the property along with making this project feasible.

This mutually beneficial partnership is providing Cold Spring Granite the necessary means to redevelop their former “downtown campus” into a beautiful and viable downtown destination.